Sunday, August 2, 2009

Setup a Storage Shed and wandered around a bit

The gate still looks good and seems to be holding up, in spite of a proper "H" brace. The road is still in good shape.
The gazebo was still standing this time. Last time we were out, it was blown over lying in a clump of twisted metal. I drove some stakes into the ground to help but it still needs proper placement.
We brought a few extra chairs...
NO! That is NOT an outhouse! That is the new storage shed that we put together. Ann thought it would be funny to take this picture because is looked just like I was going to the outhouse.
Here is a picture that shows how dry it is out there.
Me walking around.
Here's a small grassy clearing...where the road is going to go through...someday...only about 10 more dump truck loads to get back this far from the county road.

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